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Domestic Violence Awareness Documentary 

Domestic Violence occurs among us every single day while we are silent

If we start to speak up, we can end it


Fact#1- 4,774,000 women in the US experience physical abuse by their partners

Fact#2- Each year, 2 million injuries and 1,300 deaths are caused as a result of domestic violence

Fact#3- Domestic Violence is the 3rd leading cause of homelessness among families

Fact#4- Domestic violence can negatively impact a woman's mental and physical health over the long term. Her children's mental well-being is also at risk of long-term damage. It's common for domestic violence victims to experience a loss of productivity, decreased earning potential, and reduction in overall financial security.

Fact #5- Men also experience domestic violence

Fact #6- Domestic violence is not just physical, it is also sexual, psychological, emotional and/or financial. Digital abuse and stalking are also forms of DV.

Any more more...


Please don’t be afraid to speak up!


There are so many of us who are here to help you!


National Domestic Violence Hotline


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